Мобильная версия

Flash in the night

Secret Service Flash in the night
Исполнитель: Secret Service
Автор: Björn Håkanson, Tim Norell
Метки: Электронная музыка, Синтипоп
Язык: Английский
Основной список: Да




« As a break of dawn came closer
AII my hopes seemed so forlorn.
The misty signs of laughter
And the light eluded all.
And my despair was caught in motion
A face just barely true -
Shadows in blue.

A flash in the night . . .
A flash in the night . . .
A flash in the night . . .
A flash in the night . . .

In the changing of the season
Releasing one lost nam.
The scar once healed forever
Dissolving in the rain
A twig snapped in the clearing
A glimpse of golden skin
My face within

A flash in the night . . .
A flash in the night . . .

And my despair was caught in motion
A face just barely true -

A flash in the night...
A flash in the night...

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