Мобильная версия


Deep Purple April
Исполнитель: Deep Purple
Автор: Ritchie Blackmore, Rod Evans, Ian Paice, Nick Simper, Jon Lord
Метки: Прогрессивный рок, Психоделический рок, Рок-баллада, Хард-рок
Язык: Английский
Основной список: Да




« April is a cruel time
Even though the sun may shine
And world looks in the shade as it slowly comes away
Still falls the April rain
And the valley's filled with pain
And you can't tell me quite why
As i look up to the grey sky
Where it should be blue
Grey sky where I should see you
Ask why, why it should be so
I'll cry, say that I don't know

Maybe once in a while I'll forget and I'll smile
But then the feeling comes again of an April without end
Of an April lonely as they come
In the dark of my mind I can see all too fine
But there is nothing to be done when I just can't feel the sun
And the springtime's the season of the night

Grey sky where it should be blue
Grey sky where I should see you
Ask why, why it should be so
I'll cry, say that I don't know
I don't know

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