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You Should Be Dancing

Bee Gees You Should Be Dancing
Исполнитель: Bee Gees
Автор: Barry, Robin, Maurice Gibb
Метки: Диско
Язык: Английский
Основной список: Да


Одна из лучших танцевальных песен Bee Gees.


« My baby moves at midnight
goes right on till the dawn
My woman takes me higher
my woman keeps me warm

What you doin' on your back aah
What you doin'on your back aah?
You should be dancing, yeah
dancing, yeah

She's juicy and she's trouble
She gets it to me good
My woman gives me power
Goes right down to my blood

What you doin' on your back aah
What you doin'on your back aah?
You should be dancing, yeah
dancing, yeah

My baby moves at midnight
goes right on till the dawn
My woman takes me higher
my woman keeps me warm

What you doin' on your back aah
What you doin'on your back aah?
You should be dancing, yeah
dancing, yeah
You should be dancing, yeah
You should be dancing, yeah
You should be dancing, yeah
You should be dancing, yeah
You should be dancing, yeah

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