Мобильная версия

Mrs. Vanderbilt

Пол Маккартни Mrs. Vanderbilt
Исполнитель: Пол Маккартни
Автор: Пол и Линда Маккартни
Метки: Рок
Язык: Английский
Основной список: Да




« Down in the jungle living in a tent
You don't use money you don't pay rent
You don't ever know the time
But you don't mind
Ho hey ho...
When your light is on the blink
You never think of worrying
What's the use of worrying?
When your bus has left the stop
You'd better drop your hurrying
What's the use of hurrying?
Leave me alone mrs vandebilt
I've got plenty of time of my own
What's the use of worrying?
What's the use of hurrying?
What's the use of anything?
Ho hey ho...
What's the use of worrying?
What's the use of hurrying?
What's the use of anything?
Ho hey ho...
When your pile is one the wane
You don't complain of robbery
Run away don't bother me
What's the use of worrying?
What's the use of anything?
Leave me alone mrs washington
I've done plenty of time on my own
What's the use of worrying?
What's the use of hurrying? (no use!)
What's the use of anything?
Ho hey ho...

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