Мобильная версия


Ринго Старр Photograph
Исполнитель: Ринго Старр
Автор: Richard Starkey, George Harrison
Метки: Рок
Язык: Английский
Основной список: Да




« Ev'ry time i see your face,
It reminds me of the places we used to go.
But all i got is a photograph
And i realise you're not coming back anymore.

I thought i'd make it the day you went away,
But i can't make it
Till you come home again to stay-yi-yay-yi-yay.

I can't get used to living here,
While my heart is broke, my tears i cried for you.
I want you here to have and hold,
As the years go by and we grow old and grey.

Now you're expecting me to live without you,
But that's not something that i'm looking forward to.

I can't get used to living here,
While my heart is broke, my tears i cried for you.
I want you here to have and hold,
As the years go by and we grow old and grey.

Ev'ry time i see your face,
It reminds me of the places we used to go.
But all i got is a photograph
And i realise you're not coming back anymore.

Ev'ry time i see your face,
It reminds me of the places we used to go.
But all i got is a photograph
And i realise you're not coming back anymore.

Ev'ry time i see your face,
It reminds me of the places we used to go.
But all i got is a photograph
And i realise you're not.

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