Мобильная версия


Depeche Mode Precious
Исполнитель: Depeche Mode
Автор: Martin Gore
Метки: Новая волна, Синтипоп
Язык: Английский
Основной список: Нет


Album "Playing the Angel"


« Precious and fragile things,
Need special handeling.
My God, what have we done to you?

We always tried to share,
The tenderest of care.
Now look what we have put you through.

Things get damaged, things get broken.
I thought we'd manage,
But words left unspoken,
Left us so brittle,
There was so little left to give.

Angels with silver wings,
Shouldn't know suffering.
I wish I could take the pain for you.

If God has a masterplan,
That only he understands,
I hope it's your eyes he's seeing through.

Things get damaged, things get broken.
I thought we'd manage,
But words left unspoken,
Left us so brittle,
There was so little left to give.

I pray you learn to trust,
Have faith in both of us
And keep room in your heart for two.

Things get damaged, things get broken.
I thought we'd manage,
But words left unspoken,
Left us so brittle,
There was so little left to give.

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