Мобильная версия

Don't Bring Me Down

Electric Light Orchestra Don't Bring Me Down
Исполнитель: Electric Light Orchestra
Автор: Jeff Lynne
Метки: Поп-рок, Диско
Язык: Английский
Основной список: Да


Альбом Discovery


« Faint light of dawn
I'm listening to you breathing in and breathing out
Needing nothing
You're honey dipped
You are beautiful, floating clouds, soft world
I can't feel my lips

I'm going down, I don't want to change
I'm going down, going down the drain

Don't bring me down, I beg you
Don't bring me down, I won't let you
Don't bring me down

Then all of that's annulled and I'm ayone's everyone's
We are one
Your face becomes the sun
And I'm addicted to the joy that the little things
Those little things
The little things they bring

I'm going down, I don't want to change
I'm going down, going down the drain

Don't bring me down, I beg you
Don't bring me down, I won't let you
Don't bring me down

So now for restless mind, I could go either way

I'm going down, I don't wanna change
I'm going down, going down the drain

Don't bring me down, I beg of you
Don't bring me down, I won't let you
Don't bring me down, I beg you
Don't bring me down, don't let me

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