Мобильная версия

Let Me Be Your Leader

Nazareth Let Me Be Your Leader
Исполнитель: Nazareth
Автор: Charlton
Метки: Рок, Хард-рок
Язык: Английский
Основной список: Да




« Let me be your leader
Let me have control
The way I see it
It's got to be right for you

I could be your pilot
Through the stormy seas
The way you see it
It's just a case of trust in me

I could be your hero
I'll be your piece of mind
The way that I see it
It's got to be good for you

I wanna be your brother
If you need a friend
The way you see it
It's got to be right by me

What do you see in your crystal ball for you?
Do you see an old wound fade into the blue?

I will be your lifeline
If your ship goes down
The way that I see it
You've got to have faith in me

I wanna be your partner
Through the darkest nights
The way you see it
It's always just you and me

Midnight screamers
Daytime dreamers
What do you see in your crystal ball for you?
Do you see an old wound fade into the blue?

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