Мобильная версия

We are Animals

Nazareth We are Animals
Исполнитель: Nazareth
Автор: Manny Charlton, Dan McCafferty, Pete Agnew, Darrell Sweet
Метки: Хард-рок
Язык: Английский
Основной список: Да




« I know what I need I need you
I can't see nothin else all I can see is you
I don't care what they say about my state of mind
I know what's good for me and you are just my kind
We are animals We are animals We are animals We are animals
I know what I want I want you
Shed your cloths forget your codes
You know this is nothing new
I smell your scent I taste your sweat
I feel this passion too
Let's trust our senses not our minds
Lets break all the rules
We are animals We are animals
We are animals We are animals
We are animals
We are animals
Come with me run with me leave this world behind
Come to me come with me I know that we will find
We are animals We are animals
We are animals We are animals
We are animals
We are animals

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