Мобильная версия

When The Lights Are Out

  Исполнитель: Slade
Автор: Jim Lea, Neville Holder
Метки: Поп-рок
Язык: Английский
Основной список: Да




« With the lights out
We'll be sitting pretty
Scream a pitiful scream
With the lights out
We'll be warm and willing
Better watch where I lean
When you gaze into a crystal ball
You'll see nothing's gonna change at all
You'll see nothing's gonna happen
Overnight so please
When the lights are out
When I hear you sigh
Let me feel you warm breath on my neck
It makes me hit the sky
Oh, what a whisper
You can bowl me over
Blow a beautiful blow
With an answer
You can turn me under
Wind up ready to go
When you gaze into a crystal ball
You'll see nothing's gonna change at all
You'll see nothing's gonna happen
Overnight so please
When you gaze into a crystal ball
You'll see nothing's gonna change at all
You'll see nothing's gonna happen
Overnight so please
When the lights are out [Repeat x4]

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