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River flows in you

Jasper Forks River flows in you
Исполнитель: Jasper Forks
Автор: Alex Christensen
Метки: Техно, Хаус
Язык: Английский
Основной список: Нет




Место в списке кандидатов: 820
Баллы: 471
Средний балл: 2.27
Проголосовало: 207 человек
Голосов за удаление: 0
119 человек поставили 5
1 человек поставил 4
3 человека поставили 3
2 человека поставили 2
4 человека поставили 1
23 человека поставили -1
43 человека поставили -2
12 человек поставили -3


« If you have the time to share the road with me
If you can imagin we could both be free,
What I long to do is give my heart to you
So that you can always hold it close to you
Holding you, holding you
It's in you,
The river flows in you
Slowly now, slowly now
It's in you,
The river flows in you
If you have the time to share the road with me
If you can imagin we could both be free,
Holding you, holding you
It's in you,
The river flows in you
Slowly now, slowly now
It's in you the river flows in you
If you have the time to share the road with me
If you can imagin we could both be free,
What I long to do is give my heart to you
So that you can always hold it close to you
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