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You and Your Friend

Dire Straits You and Your Friend
Исполнитель: Dire Straits
Автор: Mark Knopfler
Метки: Рок-баллада, Рок
Язык: Английский
Основной список: Да




Место в списке: 536
Баллы: 2145
Средний балл: 3.24
Проголосовало: 662 человека
Голосов за удаление: 12
396 человек поставили 5
9 человек поставили 4
36 человек поставили 3
67 человек поставили 2
58 человек поставили 1
30 человек поставили -1
57 человек поставили -2
9 человек поставили -3


« Will you and your friend come around
Are you and your friend gonna get on down
Will you and your friend come around
Or are you and your friend gonna let me down

If you talk to one another
I'm a hungry man
Let me know one way or the other
So I can make my plans

Will you and your friend come around
Or are you and your friend gonna get on down
Will you and your friend come around
Or are you and your friend gonna get on down

I relive the situation
Still see it in my mind
You got my imagination
Working overtime
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