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When You're Smiling

Луис Армстронг When You're Smiling
Исполнитель: Луис Армстронг
Автор: Larry Shay, Mark Fisher, Joe Goodwin
Метки: Джаз
Язык: Английский
Основной список: Нет




Место в списке кандидатов: 553
Баллы: 891
Средний балл: 2.78
Проголосовало: 320 человек
Голосов за удаление: 44
195 человек поставили 5
3 человека поставили 4
5 человек поставили 3
13 человек поставили 2
18 человек поставили 1
17 человек поставили -1
69 человек поставили -2


« When you're smilin'....keep on smilin'
The whole world smiles with you
And when you're laughin'....keep on laughin'
The sun comes shinin' through

But when you're cryin'.... you bring on the rain
So stop your frownin'....be happy again
Cause when you're smilin'....keep on smilin'
The whole world smiles with you

Oh when you're smilin'....keep on smilin'
The whole world smiles with you
Ah when you're laughin'....keep on laughin'
The sun comes shinin' through

Now when you're cryin'.... you bring on the rain
So stop that sighin'....be happy again
Cause when you're smilin'....just keep on smilin'
And the whole world gonna smile with

The great big world will smile with

The whole wide world will smile with you
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