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Living Loving Maid (She's Just a Woman)

Led Zeppelin Living Loving Maid (She's Just a Woman)
Исполнитель: Led Zeppelin
Автор: Jimmy Page, Robert Plant
Метки: Хэви-метал, Хард-рок
Язык: Английский
Основной список: Да




Место в списке: 453
Баллы: 2451
Средний балл: 4.17
Проголосовало: 587 человек
Голосов за удаление: 46
500 человек поставили 5
11 человек поставили 4
3 человека поставили 3
11 человек поставили 1
11 человек поставили -1
51 человек поставили -2


« With a purple umbrella and a fifty cent hat,
Livin', lovin', she's just a woman.
Missus cool rides out in her aged Cadillac.
Livin', lovin', she's just a woman.

Come on, babe on the round about, ride on the merry-go-round,
We all know what your name is, so you better lay your money down.

Alimony, alimony payin' your bills,
Livin', lovin', she's just a woman.
When your conscience hits, you knock it back with pills.
Livin', lovin', she's just a woman.


Tellin' tall tales of how it used to be.
Livin', lovin', she's just a woman.
With the butler and the maid and the servants three.
Livin', lovin', she's just a woman.

Nobody hears a single word you say.
Livin', lovin', she's just a woman.
But you keep on talkin' till your dyin' day.
Livin', lovin', she's just a woman.


Livin', Lovin', She's just a woman.
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